With Mini Apps developers can use JavaScript to create infinitely flexible interfaces that can be launched right inside Telegram — and can completely replace any website.
Like bots, Mini Apps support seamless authorization, payments via third-party payment providers (with Google Pay and Apple Pay out of the box), delivering tailored push notifications to users, and much more.
To see a Mini App in action, try our sample @DurgerKingBot.
Bot API 8.0
This is the largest update in the history of Telegram mini apps – adding more than 10 new features and monetization options for developers. To read more about all these changes, check out this dedicated blog post.
Full-screen Mode
Homescreen Shortcuts
Emoji Status
Media Sharing and File Downloads
Geolocation Access
Device Motion Tracking
Subscription Plans and Gifts for Telegram Stars
Loading Screen Customization
Hardware-specific Optimizations
Bot API 7.10
Bot API 7.8
Bot API 7.7
Bot API 7.6
Bot API 7.2
Bot API 7.0
Bot API 6.9
Bot API 6.7
Bot API 6.4
Bot API 6.2
Bot API 6.1
Mini Apps always receive data about the user's current color theme in real time, so you can adjust the appearance of your interfaces to match it. For example, when users switch between Day and Night modes or use various custom themes.
Telegram apps are known for being snappy, smooth and following a consistent cross-platform design. Your Mini App should ideally reflect these principles.
Telegram currently supports seven different ways of launching Mini Apps: the main Mini App from a profile button, from a keyboard button, from an inline button, from the bot menu button, via inline mode, from a direct link – and even from the attachment menu.
TL;DR: Mini Apps launched from a web_app type keyboard button can send data back to the bot in a service message using Telegram.WebApp.sendData. This makes it possible for the bot to produce a response without communicating with any external servers.
Users can interact with bots using custom keyboards, buttons under bot messages, as well as by sending freeform text messages or any of the attachment types supported by Telegram: photos and videos, files, locations, contacts and polls. For even more flexibility, bots can utilize the full power of HTML5 to create user-friendly input interfaces.
You can send a web_app type KeyboardButton that opens a Mini App from the specified URL.
To transmit data from the user back to the bot, the Mini App can call the Telegram.WebApp.sendData method. Data will be transmitted to the bot as a String in a service message. The bot can continue communicating with the user after receiving it.
Good for:
TL;DR: For more interactive Mini Apps like @DurgerKingBot, use a web_app type Inline KeyboardButton, which gets basic user information and can be used to send a message on behalf of the user to the chat with the bot.
If receiving text data alone is insufficient or you need a more advanced and personalized interface, you can open a Mini App using a web_app type Inline KeyboardButton.
From the button, a Mini App will open with the URL specified in the button. In addition to the user's theme settings, it will receive basic user information (ID
, name
, username
, language_code
) and a unique identifier for the session, query_id, which allows messages on behalf of the user to be sent back to the bot.
The bot can call the Bot API method answerWebAppQuery to send an inline message from the user back to the bot and close the Mini App. After receiving the message, the bot can continue communicating with the user.
Good for:
TL;DR: Mini Apps can be launched from a customized menu button. This simply offers a quicker way to access the app and is otherwise identical to launching a mini app from an inline button.
By default, chats with bots always show a convenient menu button that provides quick access to all listed commands. With Bot API 6.0, this button can be used to launch a Mini App instead.
To configure the menu button, you must specify the text it should show and the Mini App URL. There are two ways to set these parameters:
command or Bot Settings > Menu Button).Apart from this, Mini Apps opened via the menu button work in the exact same way as when using inline buttons.
@DurgerKingBot allows launching its Mini App both from an inline button and from the menu button.
TL;DR: If your bot is a mini app, you can add a prominent Launch app button as well as high-quality demo videos and screenshots to the bot’s profile. To do this, go to @BotFather and set up your bot's Main Mini App.
If your bot is a mini app, you can unlock a number of features that streamline and simplify the way in which users view and interact with it. To do this, go to @BotFather and set up your bot's Main Mini App.
After setting a main mini app, you'll be able to upload detailed media preview demos to publicly highlight your app's key features on its profile. A Launch app button will also appear, allowing users to open your app directly from its profile. Bots that enabled a main mini app will be displayed in the Apps tab of the search for users who have launched them.
Media previews support multiple languages – so you can upload translated versions of your previews that will be shown to users based on their app language.
A bot's main Mini App can also be opened in the current chat by direct link in the format https://t.me/botusername?startapp
. If a non-empty startapp parameter is included in the link, it will be passed to the Mini App in the start_param field and in the GET parameter tgWebAppStartParam.
In this mode, Mini Apps can use the chat_type and chat_instance parameters to keep track of the current chat context. This introduces support for concurrent and shared usage by multiple chat members – to create live whiteboards, group orders, multiplayer games and similar apps.
By default, the main Mini App opens to full-screen height, and users cannot reduce them to half-height. However, you can change this behavior via @BotFather or by including the parameter mode=compact
in the link to the Mini App, in which case it will open to half-screen height by default.
Good for:
Successful bots which enable a main Mini App and accept payments in Telegram Stars may be featured in the Telegram Mini App Store. To increase the chances of being featured, we recommend uploading high-quality media showcasing your app on your bot's profile and following our design guidelines.
TL;DR: Mini Apps launched via web_app type InlineQueryResultsButton can be used anywhere in inline mode. Users can create content in a web interface and then seamlessly send it to the current chat via inline mode.
You can use the button parameter in the answerInlineQuery method to display a special 'Switch to Mini App' button either above or in place of the inline results. This button will open a Mini App from the specified URL. Once done, you can call the Telegram.WebApp.switchInlineQuery method to send the user back to inline mode.
Inline Mini Apps have no access to the chat – they can't read messages or send new ones on behalf of the user. To send messages, the user must be redirected to inline mode and actively pick a result.
Good for:
TL;DR: Mini App Bots can be launched from a direct link in any chat. They support a startapp parameter and are aware of the current chat context.
You can use direct links to open a Mini App directly in the current chat. If a non-empty startapp parameter is included in the link, it will be passed to the Mini App in the start_param field and in the GET parameter tgWebAppStartParam.
In this mode, Mini Apps can use the chat_type and chat_instance parameters to keep track of the current chat context. This introduces support for concurrent and shared usage by multiple chat members – to create live whiteboards, group orders, multiplayer games and similar apps.
Mini Apps opened from a direct link have no access to the chat – they can't read messages or send new ones on behalf of the user. To send messages, the user must be redirected to inline mode and actively pick a result.
Starting from Bot API 7.6, by default, Mini Apps of this type open to full-screen height, and users cannot reduce them to half-height. However, you can change this behavior by including the parameter mode=compact
in the link to the Mini App, in which case it will open to half-screen height by default.
Good for:
TL;DR: Mini App Bots can request to be added directly to a user's attachment menu, allowing them to be quickly launched from any chat. To try this mode, open this attachment menu link for @DurgerKingBot, then use the
menu in any type of chat.
Mini App Bots can request to be added directly to a user's attachment menu, allowing them to be quickly launched from any type of chat. You can configure in which types of chats your mini app can be started from the attachment menu (private, groups, supergroups or channels).
Attachment menu integration is currently only available for major advertisers on the Telegram Ad Platform. However, all bots can use it in the test server environment.
To enable this feature for your bot, open @BotFather from an account on the test server and send the /setattach
command – or go to Bot Settings > Configure Attachment Menu. Then specify the URL that will be opened to launch the bot's Mini App via its icon in the attachment menu.
You can add a 'Settings' item to the context menu of your Mini App using @BotFather. When users select this option from the menu, your bot will receive a settingsButtonClicked
In addition to the user's theme settings, the bot will receive basic user information (ID
, name
, username
, language_code
, photo
), as well as public info about the chat partner (ID
, name
, username
, photo
) or the chat info (ID
, type
, title
, username
, photo
) and a unique identifier for the web view session query_id, which allows messages of any type to be sent to the chat on behalf of the user that opened the bot.
The bot can call the Bot API method answerWebAppQuery, which sends an inline message from the user via the bot to the chat where it was launched and closes the Mini App.
You can read more about adding bots to the attachment menu here.
To connect your Mini App to the Telegram client, place the script telegram-web-app.js in the <head>
tag before any other scripts, using this code:
<script src="https://telegram.org/js/telegram-web-app.js?56"></script>
Once the script is connected, a window.Telegram.WebApp
object will become available with the following fields:
Field | Type | Description |
initData | String | A string with raw data transferred to the Mini App, convenient for validating data. WARNING: Validate data from this field before using it on the bot's server. |
initDataUnsafe | WebAppInitData | An object with input data transferred to the Mini App. WARNING: Data from this field should not be trusted. You should only use data from initData on the bot's server and only after it has been validated. |
version | String | The version of the Bot API available in the user's Telegram app. |
platform | String | The name of the platform of the user's Telegram app. |
colorScheme | String | The color scheme currently used in the Telegram app. Either “light” or “dark”. Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-color-scheme) . |
themeParams | ThemeParams | An object containing the current theme settings used in the Telegram app. |
isActive NEW | Boolean | Bot API 8.0+ True, if the Mini App is currently active. False, if the Mini App is minimized. |
isExpanded | Boolean | True, if the Mini App is expanded to the maximum available height. False, if the Mini App occupies part of the screen and can be expanded to the full height using the expand() method. |
viewportHeight | Float | The current height of the visible area of the Mini App. Also available in CSS as the variable var(--tg-viewport-height) .The application can display just the top part of the Mini App, with its lower part remaining outside the screen area. From this position, the user can “pull” the Mini App to its maximum height, while the bot can do the same by calling the expand() method. As the position of the Mini App changes, the current height value of the visible area will be updated in real time. Please note that the refresh rate of this value is not sufficient to smoothly follow the lower border of the window. It should not be used to pin interface elements to the bottom of the visible area. It's more appropriate to use the value of the viewportStableHeight field for this purpose. |
viewportStableHeight | Float | The height of the visible area of the Mini App in its last stable state. Also available in CSS as a variable var(--tg-viewport-stable-height) .The application can display just the top part of the Mini App, with its lower part remaining outside the screen area. From this position, the user can “pull” the Mini App to its maximum height, while the bot can do the same by calling the expand() method. Unlike the value of viewportHeight , the value of viewportStableHeight does not change as the position of the Mini App changes with user gestures or during animations. The value of viewportStableHeight will be updated after all gestures and animations are completed and the Mini App reaches its final size.Note the event viewportChanged with the passed parameter isStateStable=true , which will allow you to track when the stable state of the height of the visible area changes. |
headerColor | String | Current header color in the #RRGGBB format. |
backgroundColor | String | Current background color in the #RRGGBB format. |
bottomBarColor | String | Current bottom bar color in the #RRGGBB format. |
isClosingConfirmationEnabled | Boolean | True, if the confirmation dialog is enabled while the user is trying to close the Mini App. False, if the confirmation dialog is disabled. |
isVerticalSwipesEnabled | Boolean | True, if vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App are enabled. False, if vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App are disabled. In any case, the user will still be able to minimize and close the Mini App by swiping the Mini App's header. |
isFullscreen NEW | Boolean | True, if the Mini App is currently being displayed in fullscreen mode. |
isOrientationLocked NEW | Boolean | True, if the Mini App’s orientation is currently locked. False, if orientation changes freely based on the device’s rotation. |
safeAreaInset NEW | SafeAreaInset | An object representing the device's safe area insets, accounting for system UI elements like notches or navigation bars. |
contentSafeAreaInset NEW | ContentSafeAreaInset | An object representing the safe area for displaying content within the app, free from overlapping Telegram UI elements. |
BackButton | BackButton | An object for controlling the back button which can be displayed in the header of the Mini App in the Telegram interface. |
MainButton | BottomButton | An object for controlling the main button, which is displayed at the bottom of the Mini App in the Telegram interface. |
SecondaryButton | BottomButton | An object for controlling the secondary button, which is displayed at the bottom of the Mini App in the Telegram interface. |
SettingsButton | SettingsButton | An object for controlling the Settings item in the context menu of the Mini App in the Telegram interface. |
HapticFeedback | HapticFeedback | An object for controlling haptic feedback. |
CloudStorage | CloudStorage | An object for controlling cloud storage. |
BiometricManager | BiometricManager | An object for controlling biometrics on the device. |
Accelerometer NEW | Accelerometer | An object for accessing accelerometer data on the device. |
DeviceOrientation NEW | DeviceOrientation | An object for accessing device orientation data on the device. |
Gyroscope NEW | Gyroscope | An object for accessing gyroscope data on the device. |
LocationManager NEW | LocationManager | An object for controlling location on the device. |
isVersionAtLeast(version) | Function | Returns true if the user's app supports a version of the Bot API that is equal to or higher than the version passed as the parameter. |
setHeaderColor(color) | Function | Bot API 6.1+ A method that sets the app header color in the #RRGGBB format. You can also use keywords bg_color and secondary_bg_color.Up to Bot API 6.9 You can only pass Telegram.WebApp.themeParams.bg_color or Telegram.WebApp.themeParams.secondary_bg_color as a color or bg_color, secondary_bg_color keywords. |
setBackgroundColor(color) | Function | Bot API 6.1+ A method that sets the app background color in the #RRGGBB format. You can also use keywords bg_color and secondary_bg_color. |
setBottomBarColor(color) | Function | Bot API 7.10+ A method that sets the app's bottom bar color in the #RRGGBB format. You can also use the keywords bg_color, secondary_bg_color, and bottom_bar_bg_color. This color is also applied to the navigation bar on Android. |
enableClosingConfirmation() | Function | Bot API 6.2+ A method that enables a confirmation dialog while the user is trying to close the Mini App. |
disableClosingConfirmation() | Function | Bot API 6.2+ A method that disables the confirmation dialog while the user is trying to close the Mini App. |
enableVerticalSwipes() | Function | Bot API 7.7+ A method that enables vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App. For user convenience, it is recommended to always enable swipes unless they conflict with the Mini App's own gestures. |
disableVerticalSwipes() | Function | Bot API 7.7+ A method that disables vertical swipes to close or minimize the Mini App. This method is useful if your Mini App uses swipe gestures that may conflict with the gestures for minimizing and closing the app. |
requestFullscreen() NEW | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that requests opening the Mini App in fullscreen mode. Although the header is transparent in fullscreen mode, it is recommended that the Mini App sets the header color using the setHeaderColor method. This color helps determine a contrasting color for the status bar and other UI controls. |
exitFullscreen() NEW | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that requests exiting fullscreen mode. |
lockOrientation() NEW | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that locks the Mini App’s orientation to its current mode (either portrait or landscape). Once locked, the orientation remains fixed, regardless of device rotation. This is useful if a stable orientation is needed during specific interactions. |
unlockOrientation() NEW | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that unlocks the Mini App’s orientation, allowing it to follow the device's rotation freely. Use this to restore automatic orientation adjustments based on the device orientation. |
addToHomeScreen() NEW | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that prompts the user to add the Mini App to the home screen. After successfully adding the icon, the homeScreenAdded event will be triggered if supported by the device. Note that if the device cannot determine the installation status, the event may not be received even if the icon has been added. |
checkHomeScreenStatus([callback]) NEW | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that checks if adding to the home screen is supported and if the Mini App has already been added. If an optional callback parameter is provided, the callback function will be called with a single argument status, which is a string indicating the home screen status. Possible values for status are: - unsupported – the feature is not supported, and it is not possible to add the icon to the home screen, - unknown – the feature is supported, and the icon can be added, but it is not possible to determine if the icon has already been added, - added – the icon has already been added to the home screen, - missed – the icon has not been added to the home screen. |
onEvent(eventType, eventHandler) | Function | A method that sets the app event handler. Check the list of available events. |
offEvent(eventType, eventHandler) | Function | A method that deletes a previously set event handler. |
sendData(data) | Function | A method used to send data to the bot. When this method is called, a service message is sent to the bot containing the data data of the length up to 4096 bytes, and the Mini App is closed. See the field web_app_data in the class Message. This method is only available for Mini Apps launched via a Keyboard button. |
switchInlineQuery(query[, choose_chat_types]) | Function | Bot API 6.7+ A method that inserts the bot's username and the specified inline query in the current chat's input field. Query may be empty, in which case only the bot's username will be inserted. If an optional choose_chat_types parameter was passed, the client prompts the user to choose a specific chat, then opens that chat and inserts the bot's username and the specified inline query in the input field. You can specify which types of chats the user will be able to choose from. It can be one or more of the following types: users, bots, groups, channels. |
openLink(url[, options]) | Function | A method that opens a link in an external browser. The Mini App will not be closed. Bot API 6.4+ If the optional options parameter is passed with the field try_instant_view=true, the link will be opened in Instant View mode if possible. Note that this method can be called only in response to user interaction with the Mini App interface (e.g. a click inside the Mini App or on the main button) |
openTelegramLink(url) | Function | A method that opens a telegram link inside the Telegram app. The Mini App will not be closed after this method is called. Up to Bot API 7.0 The Mini App will be closed after this method is called. |
openInvoice(url[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 6.1+ A method that opens an invoice using the link url. The Mini App will receive the event invoiceClosed when the invoice is closed. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called and the invoice status will be passed as the first argument. |
shareToStory(media_url[, params]) | Function | Bot API 7.8+ A method that opens the native story editor with the media specified in the media_url parameter as an HTTPS URL. An optional params argument of the type StoryShareParams describes additional sharing settings. |
shareMessage(msg_id[, callback]) NEW | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that opens a dialog allowing the user to share a message provided by the bot. If an optional callback parameter is provided, the callback function will be called with a boolean as the first argument, indicating whether the message was successfully sent. The message id passed to this method must belong to a PreparedInlineMessage previously obtained via the Bot API method savePreparedInlineMessage. |
setEmojiStatus(custom_emoji_id[, params, callback]) | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that opens a dialog allowing the user to set the specified custom emoji as their status. An optional params argument of type EmojiStatusParams specifies additional settings, such as duration. If an optional callback parameter is provided, the callback function will be called with a boolean as the first argument, indicating whether the status was set. Note: this method opens a native dialog and cannot be used to set the emoji status without manual user interaction. For fully programmatic changes, you should instead use the Bot API method setUserEmojiStatus after obtaining authorization to do so via the Mini App method requestEmojiStatusAccess. |
requestEmojiStatusAccess([callback]) NEW | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that shows a native popup requesting permission for the bot to manage user's emoji status. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called when the popup is closed and the first argument will be a boolean indicating whether the user granted this access. |
downloadFile(params[, callback]) NEW | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that displays a native popup prompting the user to download a file specified by the params argument of type DownloadFileParams. If an optional callback parameter is provided, the callback function will be called when the popup is closed, with the first argument as a boolean indicating whether the user accepted the download request. |
showPopup(params[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 6.2+ A method that shows a native popup described by the params argument of the type PopupParams. The Mini App will receive the event popupClosed when the popup is closed. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called and the field id of the pressed button will be passed as the first argument. |
showAlert(message[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 6.2+ A method that shows message in a simple alert with a 'Close' button. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called when the popup is closed. |
showConfirm(message[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 6.2+ A method that shows message in a simple confirmation window with 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called when the popup is closed and the first argument will be a boolean indicating whether the user pressed the 'OK' button. |
showScanQrPopup(params[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 6.4+ A method that shows a native popup for scanning a QR code described by the params argument of the type ScanQrPopupParams. The Mini App will receive the event qrTextReceived every time the scanner catches a code with text data. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called and the text from the QR code will be passed as the first argument. Returning true inside this callback function causes the popup to be closed. Starting from Bot API 7.7, the Mini App will receive the scanQrPopupClosed event if the user closes the native popup for scanning a QR code. |
closeScanQrPopup() | Function | Bot API 6.4+ A method that closes the native popup for scanning a QR code opened with the showScanQrPopup method. Run it if you received valid data in the event qrTextReceived. |
readTextFromClipboard([callback]) | Function | Bot API 6.4+ A method that requests text from the clipboard. The Mini App will receive the event clipboardTextReceived. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called and the text from the clipboard will be passed as the first argument. Note: this method can be called only for Mini Apps launched from the attachment menu and only in response to a user interaction with the Mini App interface (e.g. a click inside the Mini App or on the main button). |
requestWriteAccess([callback]) | Function | Bot API 6.9+ A method that shows a native popup requesting permission for the bot to send messages to the user. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called when the popup is closed and the first argument will be a boolean indicating whether the user granted this access. |
requestContact([callback]) | Function | Bot API 6.9+ A method that shows a native popup prompting the user for their phone number. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called when the popup is closed and the first argument will be a boolean indicating whether the user shared its phone number. |
ready() | Function | A method that informs the Telegram app that the Mini App is ready to be displayed. It is recommended to call this method as early as possible, as soon as all essential interface elements are loaded. Once this method is called, the loading placeholder is hidden and the Mini App is shown. If the method is not called, the placeholder will be hidden only when the page is fully loaded. |
expand() | Function | A method that expands the Mini App to the maximum available height. To find out if the Mini App is expanded to the maximum height, refer to the value of the Telegram.WebApp.isExpanded parameter |
close() | Function | A method that closes the Mini App. |
Mini Apps can adjust the appearance of the interface to match the Telegram user's app in real time. This object contains the user's current theme settings:
Field | Type | Description |
bg_color | String | Optional. Background color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-bg-color) . |
text_color | String | Optional. Main text color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-text-color) . |
hint_color | String | Optional. Hint text color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-hint-color) . |
link_color | String | Optional. Link color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-link-color) . |
button_color | String | Optional. Button color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-button-color) . |
button_text_color | String | Optional. Button text color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-button-text-color) . |
secondary_bg_color | String | Optional. Bot API 6.1+ Secondary background color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-secondary-bg-color) . |
header_bg_color | String | Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Header background color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-header-bg-color) . |
bottom_bar_bg_color | String | Optional. Bot API 7.10+ Bottom background color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-bottom-bar-bg-color) . |
accent_text_color | String | Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Accent text color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-accent-text-color) . |
section_bg_color | String | Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Background color for the section in the #RRGGBB format. It is recommended to use this in conjunction with secondary_bg_color.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-section-bg-color) . |
section_header_text_color | String | Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Header text color for the section in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-section-header-text-color) . |
section_separator_color | String | Optional. Bot API 7.6+ Section separator color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-section-separator-color) . |
subtitle_text_color | String | Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Subtitle text color in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-subtitle-text-color) . |
destructive_text_color | String | Optional. Bot API 7.0+ Text color for destructive actions in the #RRGGBB format.Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-theme-destructive-text-color) . |
This object describes additional sharing settings for the native story editor.
Field | Type | Description |
text | String | Optional. The caption to be added to the media, 0-200 characters for regular users and 0-2048 characters for premium subscribers. |
widget_link | StoryWidgetLink | Optional. An object that describes a widget link to be included in the story. Note that only premium subscribers can post stories with links. |
This object describes a widget link to be included in the story.
Field | Type | Description |
url | String | The URL to be included in the story. |
name | String | Optional. The name to be displayed for the widget link, 0-48 characters. |
This object describes the native popup for scanning QR codes.
Field | Type | Description |
text | String | Optional. The text to be displayed under the 'Scan QR' heading, 0-64 characters. |
This object describes the native popup.
Field | Type | Description |
title | String | Optional. The text to be displayed in the popup title, 0-64 characters. |
message | String | The message to be displayed in the body of the popup, 1-256 characters. |
buttons | Array of PopupButton | Optional. List of buttons to be displayed in the popup, 1-3 buttons. Set to [{“type”:“close”}] by default. |
This object describes the native popup button.
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | Optional. Identifier of the button, 0-64 characters. Set to empty string by default. If the button is pressed, its id is returned in the callback and the popupClosed event. |
type | String | Optional. Type of the button. Set to default by default. Can be one of these values: - default, a button with the default style, - ok, a button with the localized text “OK”, - close, a button with the localized text “Close”, - cancel, a button with the localized text “Cancel”, - destructive, a button with a style that indicates a destructive action (e.g. “Remove”, “Delete”, etc.). |
text | String | Optional. The text to be displayed on the button, 0-64 characters. Required if type is default or destructive. Irrelevant for other types. |
This object describes additional settings for setting an emoji status.
Field | Type | Description |
duration | Integer | Optional. The duration for which the status will remain set, in seconds. |
This object describes the parameters for the file download request.
Note: To ensure consistent file download behavior across platforms, it is recommended to include the HTTP header
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="<file_name>"
in the server response. This header helps prompt the download action and suggests a file name for the downloaded file, especially on web platforms where forced downloads cannot always be guaranteed.
Field | Type | Description |
url | String | The HTTPS URL of the file to be downloaded. |
file_name | String | The suggested name for the downloaded file. |
This object represents the system-defined safe area insets, providing padding values to ensure content remains within visible boundaries, avoiding overlap with system UI elements like notches or navigation bars.
Field | Type | Description |
top | Integer | The top inset in pixels, representing the space to avoid at the top of the screen. Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-safe-area-inset-top) . |
bottom | Integer | The bottom inset in pixels, representing the space to avoid at the bottom of the screen. Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-safe-area-inset-bottom) . |
left | Integer | The left inset in pixels, representing the space to avoid on the left side of the screen. Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-safe-area-inset-left) . |
right | Integer | The right inset in pixels, representing the space to avoid on the right side of the screen. Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-safe-area-inset-right) . |
This object represents the content-defined safe area insets, providing padding values to ensure content remains within visible boundaries, avoiding overlap with Telegram UI elements.
Field | Type | Description |
top | Integer | The top inset in pixels, representing the space to avoid at the top of the content area. Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-content-safe-area-inset-top) . |
bottom | Integer | The bottom inset in pixels, representing the space to avoid at the bottom of the content area. Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-content-safe-area-inset-bottom) . |
left | Integer | The left inset in pixels, representing the space to avoid on the left side of the content area. Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-content-safe-area-inset-left) . |
right | Integer | The right inset in pixels, representing the space to avoid on the right side of the content area. Also available as the CSS variable var(--tg-content-safe-area-inset-right) . |
This object controls the back button, which can be displayed in the header of the Mini App in the Telegram interface.
Field | Type | Description |
isVisible | Boolean | Shows whether the button is visible. Set to false by default. |
onClick(callback) | Function | Bot API 6.1+ A method that sets the button press event handler. An alias for Telegram.WebApp.onEvent('backButtonClicked', callback) |
offClick(callback) | Function | Bot API 6.1+ A method that removes the button press event handler. An alias for Telegram.WebApp.offEvent('backButtonClicked', callback) |
show() | Function | Bot API 6.1+ A method to make the button active and visible. |
hide() | Function | Bot API 6.1+ A method to hide the button. |
All these methods return the BackButton object so they can be chained.
This object controls the button that is displayed at the bottom of the Mini App in the Telegram interface.
Field | Type | Description |
type | String | Readonly. Type of the button. It can be either main for the main button or secondary for the secondary button. |
text | String | Current button text. Set to Continue for the main button and Cancel for the secondary button by default. |
color | String | Current button color. Set to themeParams.button_color for the main button and themeParams.bottom_bar_bg_color for the secondary button by default. |
textColor | String | Current button text color. Set to themeParams.button_text_color for the main button and themeParams.button_color for the secondary button by default. |
isVisible | Boolean | Shows whether the button is visible. Set to false by default. |
isActive | Boolean | Shows whether the button is active. Set to true by default. |
hasShineEffect | Boolean | Bot API 7.10+ Shows whether the button has a shine effect. Set to false by default. |
position | String | Bot API 7.10+ Position of the secondary button. Not defined for the main button. It applies only if both the main and secondary buttons are visible. Set to left by default. Supported values: - left, displayed to the left of the main button, - right, displayed to the right of the main button, - top, displayed above the main button, - bottom, displayed below the main button. |
isProgressVisible | Boolean | Readonly. Shows whether the button is displaying a loading indicator. |
setText(text) | Function | A method to set the button text. |
onClick(callback) | Function | A method that sets the button's press event handler. An alias for Telegram.WebApp.onEvent('mainButtonClicked', callback) |
offClick(callback) | Function | A method that removes the button's press event handler. An alias for Telegram.WebApp.offEvent('mainButtonClicked', callback) |
show() | Function | A method to make the button visible. Note that opening the Mini App from the attachment menu hides the main button until the user interacts with the Mini App interface. |
hide() | Function | A method to hide the button. |
enable() | Function | A method to enable the button. |
disable() | Function | A method to disable the button. |
showProgress(leaveActive) | Function | A method to show a loading indicator on the button. It is recommended to display loading progress if the action tied to the button may take a long time. By default, the button is disabled while the action is in progress. If the parameter leaveActive=true is passed, the button remains enabled. |
hideProgress() | Function | A method to hide the loading indicator. |
setParams(params) | Function | A method to set the button parameters. The params parameter is an object containing one or several fields that need to be changed: text - button text; color - button color; text_color - button text color; has_shine_effect - Bot API 7.10+ enable shine effect; position - position of the secondary button; is_active - enable the button; is_visible - show the button. |
All these methods return the BottomButton object so they can be chained.
This object controls the Settings item in the context menu of the Mini App in the Telegram interface.
Field | Type | Description |
isVisible | Boolean | Shows whether the context menu item is visible. Set to false by default. |
onClick(callback) | Function | Bot API 7.0+ A method that sets the press event handler for the Settings item in the context menu. An alias for Telegram.WebApp.onEvent('settingsButtonClicked', callback) |
offClick(callback) | Function | Bot API 7.0+ A method that removes the press event handler from the Settings item in the context menu. An alias for Telegram.WebApp.offEvent('settingsButtonClicked', callback) |
show() | Function | Bot API 7.0+ A method to make the Settings item in the context menu visible. |
hide() | Function | Bot API 7.0+ A method to hide the Settings item in the context menu. |
All these methods return the SettingsButton object so they can be chained.
This object controls haptic feedback.
Field | Type | Description |
impactOccurred(style) | Function | Bot API 6.1+ A method tells that an impact occurred. The Telegram app may play the appropriate haptics based on style value passed. Style can be one of these values: - light, indicates a collision between small or lightweight UI objects, - medium, indicates a collision between medium-sized or medium-weight UI objects, - heavy, indicates a collision between large or heavyweight UI objects, - rigid, indicates a collision between hard or inflexible UI objects, - soft, indicates a collision between soft or flexible UI objects. |
notificationOccurred(type) | Function | Bot API 6.1+ A method tells that a task or action has succeeded, failed, or produced a warning. The Telegram app may play the appropriate haptics based on type value passed. Type can be one of these values: - error, indicates that a task or action has failed, - success, indicates that a task or action has completed successfully, - warning, indicates that a task or action produced a warning. |
selectionChanged() | Function | Bot API 6.1+ A method tells that the user has changed a selection. The Telegram app may play the appropriate haptics. Do not use this feedback when the user makes or confirms a selection; use it only when the selection changes. |
All these methods return the HapticFeedback object so they can be chained.
This object controls the cloud storage. Each bot can store up to 1024 items per user in the cloud storage.
Field | Type | Description |
setItem(key, value[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 6.9+ A method that stores a value in the cloud storage using the specified key. The key should contain 1-128 characters, only A-Z , a-z , 0-9 , _ and - are allowed. The value should contain 0-4096 characters. You can store up to 1024 keys in the cloud storage. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called. In case of an error, the first argument will contain the error. In case of success, the first argument will be null and the second argument will be a boolean indicating whether the value was stored. |
getItem(key, callback) | Function | Bot API 6.9+ A method that receives a value from the cloud storage using the specified key. The key should contain 1-128 characters, only A-Z , a-z , 0-9 , _ and - are allowed. In case of an error, the callback function will be called and the first argument will contain the error. In case of success, the first argument will be null and the value will be passed as the second argument. |
getItems(keys, callback) | Function | Bot API 6.9+ A method that receives values from the cloud storage using the specified keys. The keys should contain 1-128 characters, only A-Z , a-z , 0-9 , _ and - are allowed. In case of an error, the callback function will be called and the first argument will contain the error. In case of success, the first argument will be null and the values will be passed as the second argument. |
removeItem(key[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 6.9+ A method that removes a value from the cloud storage using the specified key. The key should contain 1-128 characters, only A-Z , a-z , 0-9 , _ and - are allowed. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called. In case of an error, the first argument will contain the error. In case of success, the first argument will be null and the second argument will be a boolean indicating whether the value was removed. |
removeItems(keys[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 6.9+ A method that removes values from the cloud storage using the specified keys. The keys should contain 1-128 characters, only A-Z , a-z , 0-9 , _ and - are allowed. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called. In case of an error, the first argument will contain the error. In case of success, the first argument will be null and the second argument will be a boolean indicating whether the values were removed. |
getKeys(callback) | Function | Bot API 6.9+ A method that receives the list of all keys stored in the cloud storage. In case of an error, the callback function will be called and the first argument will contain the error. In case of success, the first argument will be null and the list of keys will be passed as the second argument. |
All these methods return the CloudStorage object, so they can be chained.
This object controls biometrics on the device. Before the first use of this object, it needs to be initialized using the init method.
Field | Type | Description |
isInited | Boolean | Shows whether biometrics object is initialized. |
isBiometricAvailable | Boolean | Shows whether biometrics is available on the current device. |
biometricType | String | The type of biometrics currently available on the device. Can be one of these values: - finger, fingerprint-based biometrics, - face, face-based biometrics, - unknown, biometrics of an unknown type. |
isAccessRequested | Boolean | Shows whether permission to use biometrics has been requested. |
isAccessGranted | Boolean | Shows whether permission to use biometrics has been granted. |
isBiometricTokenSaved | Boolean | Shows whether the token is saved in secure storage on the device. |
deviceId | String | A unique device identifier that can be used to match the token to the device. |
init([callback]) | Function | Bot API 7.2+ A method that initializes the BiometricManager object. It should be called before the object's first use. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called when the object is initialized. |
requestAccess(params[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 7.2+ A method that requests permission to use biometrics according to the params argument of type BiometricRequestAccessParams. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called and the first argument will be a boolean indicating whether the user granted access. |
authenticate(params[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 7.2+ A method that authenticates the user using biometrics according to the params argument of type BiometricAuthenticateParams. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called and the first argument will be a boolean indicating whether the user authenticated successfully. If so, the second argument will be a biometric token. |
updateBiometricToken(token, [callback]) | Function | Bot API 7.2+ A method that updates the biometric token in secure storage on the device. To remove the token, pass an empty string. If an optional callback parameter was passed, the callback function will be called and the first argument will be a boolean indicating whether the token was updated. |
openSettings() | Function | Bot API 7.2+ A method that opens the biometric access settings for bots. Useful when you need to request biometrics access to users who haven't granted it yet. Note that this method can be called only in response to user interaction with the Mini App interface (e.g. a click inside the Mini App or on the main button) |
All these methods return the BiometricManager object so they can be chained.
This object describes the native popup for requesting permission to use biometrics.
Field | Type | Description |
reason | String | Optional. The text to be displayed to a user in the popup describing why the bot needs access to biometrics, 0-128 characters. |
This object describes the native popup for authenticating the user using biometrics.
Field | Type | Description |
reason | String | Optional. The text to be displayed to a user in the popup describing why you are asking them to authenticate and what action you will be taking based on that authentication, 0-128 characters. |
This object provides access to accelerometer data on the device.
Field | Type | Description |
isStarted | Boolean | Indicates whether accelerometer tracking is currently active. |
x | Float | The current acceleration in the X-axis, measured in m/s². |
y | Float | The current acceleration in the Y-axis, measured in m/s². |
z | Float | The current acceleration in the Z-axis, measured in m/s². |
start(params[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 8.0+ Starts tracking accelerometer data using params of type AccelerometerStartParams. If an optional callback parameter is provided, the callback function will be called with a boolean indicating whether tracking was successfully started. |
stop([callback]) | Function | Bot API 8.0+ Stops tracking accelerometer data. If an optional callback parameter is provided, the callback function will be called with a boolean indicating whether tracking was successfully stopped. |
All these methods return the Accelerometer object so they can be chained.
This object defines the parameters for starting accelerometer tracking.
Field | Type | Description |
refresh_rate | Integer | Optional. The refresh rate in milliseconds, with acceptable values ranging from 20 to 1000. Set to 1000 by default. Note that refresh_rate may not be supported on all platforms, so the actual tracking frequency may differ from the specified value. |
This object provides access to orientation data on the device.
Field | Type | Description |
isStarted | Boolean | Indicates whether device orientation tracking is currently active. |
absolute | Boolean | A boolean that indicates whether or not the device is providing orientation data in absolute values. |
alpha | Float | The rotation around the Z-axis, measured in radians. |
beta | Float | The rotation around the X-axis, measured in radians. |
gamma | Float | The rotation around the Y-axis, measured in radians. |
start(params[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 8.0+ Starts tracking device orientation data using params of type DeviceOrientationStartParams. If an optional callback parameter is provided, the callback function will be called with a boolean indicating whether tracking was successfully started. |
stop([callback]) | Function | Bot API 8.0+ Stops tracking device orientation data. If an optional callback parameter is provided, the callback function will be called with a boolean indicating whether tracking was successfully stopped. |
All these methods return the DeviceOrientation object so they can be chained.
This object defines the parameters for starting device orientation tracking.
Field | Type | Description |
refresh_rate | Integer | Optional. The refresh rate in milliseconds, with acceptable values ranging from 20 to 1000. Set to 1000 by default. Note that refresh_rate may not be supported on all platforms, so the actual tracking frequency may differ from the specified value. |
need_absolute | Boolean | Optional. Pass true to receive absolute orientation data, allowing you to determine the device's attitude relative to magnetic north. Use this option if implementing features like a compass in your app. If relative data is sufficient, pass false. Set to false by default. Note: Keep in mind that some devices may not support absolute orientation data. In such cases, you will receive relative data even if need_absolute=true is passed. Check the DeviceOrientation.absolute parameter to determine whether the data provided is absolute or relative. |
This object provides access to gyroscope data on the device.
Field | Type | Description |
isStarted | Boolean | Indicates whether gyroscope tracking is currently active. |
x | Float | The current rotation rate around the X-axis, measured in rad/s. |
y | Float | The current rotation rate around the Y-axis, measured in rad/s. |
z | Float | The current rotation rate around the Z-axis, measured in rad/s. |
start(params[, callback]) | Function | Bot API 8.0+ Starts tracking gyroscope data using params of type GyroscopeStartParams. If an optional callback parameter is provided, the callback function will be called with a boolean indicating whether tracking was successfully started. |
stop([callback]) | Function | Bot API 8.0+ Stops tracking gyroscope data. If an optional callback parameter is provided, the callback function will be called with a boolean indicating whether tracking was successfully stopped. |
All these methods return the Gyroscope object so they can be chained.
This object defines the parameters for starting gyroscope tracking.
Field | Type | Description |
refresh_rate | Integer | Optional. The refresh rate in milliseconds, with acceptable values ranging from 20 to 1000. Set to 1000 by default. Note that refresh_rate may not be supported on all platforms, so the actual tracking frequency may differ from the specified value. |
This object controls location access on the device. Before the first use of this object, it needs to be initialized using the init method.
Field | Type | Description |
isInited | Boolean | Shows whether the LocationManager object has been initialized. |
isLocationAvailable | Boolean | Shows whether location services are available on the current device. |
isAccessRequested | Boolean | Shows whether permission to use location has been requested. |
isAccessGranted | Boolean | Shows whether permission to use location has been granted. |
init([callback]) | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that initializes the LocationManager object. It should be called before the object's first use. If an optional callback parameter is provided, the callback function will be called when the object is initialized. |
getLocation(callback) | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that requests location data. The callback function will be called with null as the first argument if access to location was not granted, or an object of type LocationData as the first argument if access was successful. |
openSettings() | Function | Bot API 8.0+ A method that opens the location access settings for bots. Useful when you need to request location access from users who haven't granted it yet. Note that this method can be called only in response to user interaction with the Mini App interface (e.g., a click inside the Mini App or on the main button). |
All these methods return the LocationManager object so they can be chained.
This object contains data about the current location.
Field | Type | Description |
latitude | Float | Latitude in degrees. |
longitude | Float | Longitude in degrees. |
altitude | Float | Altitude above sea level in meters. null if altitude data is not available on the device. |
course | Float | The direction the device is moving in degrees (0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South, 270 = West). null if course data is not available on the device. |
speed | Float | The speed of the device in m/s. null if speed data is not available on the device. |
horizontal_accuracy | Float | Accuracy of the latitude and longitude values in meters. null if horizontal accuracy data is not available on the device. |
vertical_accuracy | Float | Accuracy of the altitude value in meters. null if vertical accuracy data is not available on the device. |
course_accuracy | Float | Accuracy of the course value in degrees. null if course accuracy data is not available on the device. |
speed_accuracy | Float | Accuracy of the speed value in m/s. null if speed accuracy data is not available on the device. |
This object contains data that is transferred to the Mini App when it is opened. It is empty if the Mini App was launched from a keyboard button or from inline mode.
Field | Type | Description |
query_id | String | Optional. A unique identifier for the Mini App session, required for sending messages via the answerWebAppQuery method. |
user | WebAppUser | Optional. An object containing data about the current user. |
receiver | WebAppUser | Optional. An object containing data about the chat partner of the current user in the chat where the bot was launched via the attachment menu. Returned only for private chats and only for Mini Apps launched via the attachment menu. |
chat | WebAppChat | Optional. An object containing data about the chat where the bot was launched via the attachment menu. Returned for supergroups, channels and group chats – only for Mini Apps launched via the attachment menu. |
chat_type | String | Optional. Type of the chat from which the Mini App was opened. Can be either “sender” for a private chat with the user opening the link, “private”, “group”, “supergroup”, or “channel”. Returned only for Mini Apps launched from direct links. |
chat_instance | String | Optional. Global identifier, uniquely corresponding to the chat from which the Mini App was opened. Returned only for Mini Apps launched from a direct link. |
start_param | String | Optional. The value of the startattach parameter, passed via link. Only returned for Mini Apps when launched from the attachment menu via link. The value of the start_param parameter will also be passed in the GET-parameter tgWebAppStartParam , so the Mini App can load the correct interface right away. |
can_send_after | Integer | Optional. Time in seconds, after which a message can be sent via the answerWebAppQuery method. |
auth_date | Integer | Unix time when the form was opened. |
hash | String | A hash of all passed parameters, which the bot server can use to check their validity. |
signature NEW | String | A signature of all passed parameters (except hash), which the third party can use to check their validity. |
This object contains the data of the Mini App user.
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | A unique identifier for the user or bot. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. It has at most 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or a double-precision float type is safe for storing this identifier. |
is_bot | Boolean | Optional. True, if this user is a bot. Returns in the receiver field only. |
first_name | String | First name of the user or bot. |
last_name | String | Optional. Last name of the user or bot. |
username | String | Optional. Username of the user or bot. |
language_code | String | Optional. IETF language tag of the user's language. Returns in user field only. |
is_premium | True | Optional. True, if this user is a Telegram Premium user. |
added_to_attachment_menu | True | Optional. True, if this user added the bot to the attachment menu. |
allows_write_to_pm | True | Optional. True, if this user allowed the bot to message them. |
photo_url | String | Optional. URL of the user’s profile photo. The photo can be in .jpeg or .svg formats. |
This object represents a chat.
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique identifier for this chat. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier. |
type | String | Type of chat, can be either “group”, “supergroup” or “channel” |
title | String | Title of the chat |
username | String | Optional. Username of the chat |
photo_url | String | Optional. URL of the chat’s photo. The photo can be in .jpeg or .svg formats. Only returned for Mini Apps launched from the attachment menu. |
To validate data received via the Mini App, one should send the data from the Telegram.WebApp.initData field to the bot's backend. The data is a query string, which is composed of a series of field-value pairs.
You can verify the integrity of the data received by comparing the received hash parameter with the hexadecimal representation of the HMAC-SHA-256 signature of the data-check-string with the secret key, which is the HMAC-SHA-256 signature of the bot's token with the constant string WebAppData
used as a key.
Data-check-string is a chain of all received fields, sorted alphabetically, in the format key=<value>
with a line feed character ('\n', 0x0A) used as separator – e.g., 'auth_date=<auth_date>\nquery_id=<query_id>\nuser=<user>'
The full check might look like:
data_check_string = ...
secret_key = HMAC_SHA256(<bot_token>, "WebAppData")
if (hex(HMAC_SHA256(data_check_string, secret_key)) == hash) {
// data is from Telegram
To prevent the use of outdated data, you can additionally check the auth_date field, which contains a Unix timestamp of when it was received by the Mini App.
Once validated, the data may be used on your server. Complex data types are represented as JSON-serialized objects.
NEW If you need to share the data with a third party, they can validate the data without requiring access to your bot's token. Simply provide them with the data from the Telegram.WebApp.initData field and your bot_id.
The integrity of the data can be verified by validating the received signature parameter, which is the base64url-encoded representation of the Ed25519 signature of the data-check-string. The verification is performed using the public key provided by Telegram.
Data-check-string is constructed as follows:
1. Prepend the bot_id, followed by :
and the constant string WebAppData
2. Add a line feed character ('\n'
, 0x0A).
3. Append all received fields (except hash and signature), sorted alphabetically, in the format key=<value>
4. Separate each key-value pair with a line feed character ('\n'
, 0x0A).
The verification process might look like this:
data_check_string = ...
public_key = "<Telegram_public_key>"
if (Ed25519_verify(public_key, data_check_string, signature)) {
// data is valid and originated from Telegram
Telegram provides the following Ed25519 public keys for signature verification:
Test environment:
To prevent the use of outdated data, the third party should additionally validate the auth_date field. This field contains a Unix timestamp indicating when the data was received by the Mini App.
Once validated, the data may be used. Complex data types are represented as JSON-serialized objects.
The Mini App can receive events from the Telegram app, onto which a handler can be attached using the Telegram.WebApp.onEvent(eventType, eventHandler)
method. Inside eventHandler
the this object refers to Telegram.WebApp, the set of parameters sent to the handler depends on the event type. Below is a list of possible events:
eventType | Description |
activated NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when the Mini App becomes active (e.g., opened from minimized state or selected among tabs). eventHandler receives no parameters. |
deactivated NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when the Mini App becomes inactive (e.g., minimized or moved to an inactive tab). eventHandler receives no parameters. |
themeChanged |
Occurs whenever theme settings are changed in the user's Telegram app (including switching to night mode). eventHandler receives no parameters, new theme settings and color scheme can be received via this.themeParams and this.colorScheme respectively. |
viewportChanged |
Occurs when the visible section of the Mini App is changed. eventHandler receives an object with the single field isStateStable. If isStateStable is true, the resizing of the Mini App is finished. If it is false, the resizing is ongoing (the user is expanding or collapsing the Mini App or an animated object is playing). The current value of the visible section’s height is available in this.viewportHeight. |
safeAreaChanged NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when the device's safe area insets change (e.g., due to orientation change or screen adjustments). eventHandler receives no parameters. The current inset values can be accessed via this.safeAreaInset. |
contentSafeAreaChanged NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when the safe area for content changes (e.g., due to orientation change or screen adjustments). eventHandler receives no parameters. The current inset values can be accessed via this.contentSafeAreaInset. |
mainButtonClicked |
Occurs when the main button is pressed. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
secondaryButtonClicked |
Bot API 7.10+ Occurs when the secondary button is pressed. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
backButtonClicked |
Bot API 6.1+ Occurrs when the back button is pressed. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
settingsButtonClicked |
Bot API 6.1+ Occurrs when the Settings item in context menu is pressed. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
invoiceClosed |
Bot API 6.1+ Occurrs when the opened invoice is closed. eventHandler receives an object with the two fields: url – invoice link provided and status – one of the invoice statuses: - paid – invoice was paid successfully, - cancelled – user closed this invoice without paying, - failed – user tried to pay, but the payment was failed, - pending – the payment is still processing. The bot will receive a service message about a successful payment when the payment is successfully paid. |
popupClosed |
Bot API 6.2+ Occurrs when the opened popup is closed. eventHandler receives an object with the single field button_id – the value of the field id of the pressed button. If no buttons were pressed, the field button_id will be null. |
qrTextReceived |
Bot API 6.4+ Occurs when the QR code scanner catches a code with text data. eventHandler receives an object with the single field data containing text data from the QR code. |
scanQrPopupClosed |
Bot API 7.7+ Occurs when the QR code scanner popup is closed by the user. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
clipboardTextReceived |
Bot API 6.4+ Occurrs when the readTextFromClipboard method is called.eventHandler receives an object with the single field data containing text data from the clipboard. If the clipboard contains non-text data, the field data will be an empty string. If the Mini App has no access to the clipboard, the field data will be null. |
writeAccessRequested |
Bot API 6.9+ Occurs when the write permission was requested. eventHandler receives an object with the single field status containing one of the statuses: - allowed – user granted write permission to the bot, - cancelled – user declined this request. |
contactRequested |
Bot API 6.9+ Occurrs when the user's phone number was requested. eventHandler receives an object with the single field status containing one of the statuses: - sent – user shared their phone number with the bot, - cancelled – user declined this request. |
biometricManagerUpdated |
Bot API 7.2+ Occurs whenever BiometricManager object is changed. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
biometricAuthRequested |
Bot API 7.2+ Occurs whenever biometric authentication was requested. eventHandler receives an object with the field isAuthenticated containing a boolean indicating whether the user was authenticated successfully. If isAuthenticated is true, the field biometricToken will contain the biometric token stored in secure storage on the device. |
biometricTokenUpdated |
Bot API 7.2+ Occurs whenever the biometric token was updated. eventHandler receives an object with the single field isUpdated, containing a boolean indicating whether the token was updated. |
fullscreenChanged NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs whenever the Mini App enters or exits fullscreen mode. eventHandler receives no parameters. The current fullscreen state can be checked via this.isFullscreen. |
fullscreenFailed NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs if a request to enter fullscreen mode fails. eventHandler receives an object with the single field error, describing the reason for the failure. Possible values for error are: UNSUPPORTED – Fullscreen mode is not supported on this device or platform. ALREADY_FULLSCREEN – The Mini App is already in fullscreen mode. |
homeScreenAdded NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when the Mini App is successfully added to the home screen. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
homeScreenChecked NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs after checking the home screen status. eventHandler receives an object with the field status, which is a string indicating the current home screen status. Possible values for status are: - unsupported – the feature is not supported, and it is not possible to add the icon to the home screen, - unknown – the feature is supported, and the icon can be added, but it is not possible to determine if the icon has already been added, - added – the icon has already been added to the home screen, - missed – the icon has not been added to the home screen. |
accelerometerStarted NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when accelerometer tracking has started successfully. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
accelerometerStopped NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when accelerometer tracking has stopped. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
accelerometerChanged NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs with the specified frequency after calling the start method, sending the current accelerometer data.eventHandler receives no parameters, the current acceleration values can be received via this.x, this.y and this.z respectively. |
accelerometerFailed NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs if a request to start accelerometer tracking fails. eventHandler receives an object with the single field error, describing the reason for the failure. Possible values for error are: UNSUPPORTED – Accelerometer tracking is not supported on this device or platform. |
deviceOrientationStarted NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when device orientation tracking has started successfully. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
deviceOrientationStopped NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when device orientation tracking has stopped. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
deviceOrientationChanged NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs with the specified frequency after calling the start method, sending the current orientation data.eventHandler receives no parameters, the current device orientation values can be received via this.alpha, this.beta and this.gamma respectively. |
deviceOrientationFailed NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs if a request to start device orientation tracking fails. eventHandler receives an object with the single field error, describing the reason for the failure. Possible values for error are: UNSUPPORTED – Device orientation tracking is not supported on this device or platform. |
gyroscopeStarted NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when gyroscope tracking has started successfully. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
gyroscopeStopped NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when gyroscope tracking has stopped. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
gyroscopeChanged NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs with the specified frequency after calling the start method, sending the current gyroscope data.eventHandler receives no parameters, the current rotation rates can be received via this.x, this.y and this.z respectively. |
gyroscopeFailed NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs if a request to start gyroscope tracking fails. eventHandler receives an object with the single field error, describing the reason for the failure. Possible values for error are: UNSUPPORTED – Gyroscope tracking is not supported on this device or platform. |
locationManagerUpdated NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs whenever LocationManager object is changed. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
locationRequested NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when location data is requested. eventHandler receives an object with the single field locationData of type LocationData, containing the current location information. |
shareMessageSent NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when the message is successfully shared by the user. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
shareMessageFailed NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs if sharing the message fails. eventHandler receives an object with the single field error, describing the reason for the failure. Possible values for error are: UNSUPPORTED – The feature is not supported by the client. MESSAGE_EXPIRED – The message could not be retrieved because it has expired. MESSAGE_SEND_FAILED – An error occurred while attempting to send the message. USER_DECLINED – The user closed the dialog without sharing the message. UNKNOWN_ERROR – An unknown error occurred. |
emojiStatusSet NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when the emoji status is successfully set. eventHandler receives no parameters. |
emojiStatusFailed NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs if setting the emoji status fails. eventHandler receives an object with the single field error, describing the reason for the failure. Possible values for error are: UNSUPPORTED – The feature is not supported by the client. SUGGESTED_EMOJI_INVALID – One or more emoji identifiers are invalid. DURATION_INVALID – The specified duration is invalid. USER_DECLINED – The user closed the dialog without setting a status. SERVER_ERROR – A server error occurred when attempting to set the status. UNKNOWN_ERROR – An unknown error occurred. |
emojiStatusAccessRequested NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when the write permission was requested. eventHandler receives an object with the single field status containing one of the statuses: - allowed – user granted emoji status permission to the bot, - cancelled – user declined this request. |
fileDownloadRequested NEW |
Bot API 8.0+ Occurs when the user responds to the file download request. eventHandler receives an object with the single field status containing one of the statuses: - downloading – the file download has started, - cancelled – user declined this request. |
Attachment menu integration is currently only available for major advertisers on the Telegram Ad Platform. However, all bots can use it in the test server environment. Talk to Botfather on the test server to set up the integration.
A special link is used to add bots to the attachment menu:
For example, open this attachment menu link for @DurgerKingBot, then use the
menu in any private chat.
Opening the link prompts the user to add the bot to their attachment menu. If the bot has already been added, the attachment menu will open in the current chat and redirect to the bot there (if the link is opened from a 1-on-1 chat). If a non-empty startattach parameter was included in the link, it will be passed to the Mini App in the start_param field and in the GET parameter tgWebAppStartParam.
The following link formats are also supported:
These links open the Mini App in the attachment menu in the chat with a specific user. If the bot wasn't already added to the attachment menu, the user will be prompted to do so. If a non-empty startattach parameter was included in the link, it will be passed to the Mini App in the start_param field and in the GET parameter tgWebAppStartParam.
Bot API 6.1+ supports a new link format:
Opening such a link prompts the user to choose a specific chat and opens the attachment menu in that chat. If the bot wasn't already added to the attachment menu, the user will be prompted to do so. You can specify which types of chats the user will be able to choose from. It can be one or more of the following types: users, bots, groups, channels separated by a +
sign. If a non-empty startattach parameter was included in the link, it will be passed to the Mini App in the start_param field and in the GET parameter tgWebAppStartParam.
When the Mini App is running on Android, additional information is appended to the User-Agent string to provide more context about the app environment. This information includes the app version, device model, Android version, SDK version, and device performance class, formatted as follows:
Telegram-Android/{app_version} ({manufacturer} {model}; Android {android_version}; SDK {sdk_version}; {performance_class})
),Google sdk_gphone64_arm64
, or HIGH
, indicating the device's performance capacity.Example
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 14; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/113.0.5672.136 Mobile Safari/537.36 Telegram-Android/11.3.3 (Google sdk_gphone64_arm64; Android 14; SDK 34; LOW)
We recommend using this information to optimize your Mini App based on the device's capabilities. For instance, you can adjust animations and visual effects in games on low-performance devices to ensure a smooth experience for all users, regardless of device specifications.
To log in to the test environment, use either of the following:
The test environment is completely separate from the main environment, so you will need to create a new user account and a new bot with @BotFather.
After receiving your bot token, you can send requests to the Bot API in this format:
Note: When working with the test environment, you may use HTTP links without TLS to test your Mini App.
Use these tools to find app-specific issues in your Mini App:
in Chrome – you will see your Mini App there when you launch it on your phone.Telegram Desktop on Windows and Linux
Telegram macOS