
Exported chat invite

chatInviteExported#6e24fc9d flags:# revoked:flags.0?true permanent:flags.5?true link:string admin_id:int date:int start_date:flags.4?int expire_date:flags.1?int usage_limit:flags.2?int usage:flags.3?int = ExportedChatInvite;


messages.exportChatInvite#14b9bcd7 flags:# legacy_revoke_permanent:flags.2?true peer:InputPeer expire_date:flags.0?int usage_limit:flags.1?int = ExportedChatInvite;


Constructor Description
chatInviteExported Exported chat invite
chatInvitePublicJoinRequests Used in updates and in the channel log to indicate when a user is requesting to join or has joined a discussion group


Method Description
messages.exportChatInvite Export an invite link for a chat
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