channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle |
Channel/supergroup title was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout |
The description was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername |
Channel/supergroup username was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto |
The channel/supergroup's picture was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites |
Invites were enabled/disabled |
channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures |
Channel signatures were enabled/disabled |
channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned |
A message was pinned |
channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage |
A message was edited |
channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage |
A message was deleted |
channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin |
A user has joined the group (in the case of big groups, info of the user that has joined isn't shown) |
channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave |
A user left the channel/supergroup (in the case of big groups, info of the user that has joined isn't shown) |
channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite |
A user was invited to the group |
channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan |
The banned rights of a user were changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin |
The admin rights of a user were changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet |
The supergroup's stickerset was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden |
The hidden prehistory setting was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights |
The default banned rights were modified |
channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll |
A poll was stopped |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat |
The linked chat was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLocation |
The geogroup location was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSlowMode |
Slow mode setting for supergroups was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionStartGroupCall |
A group call was started |
channelAdminLogEventActionDiscardGroupCall |
A group call was terminated |
channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantMute |
A group call participant was muted |
channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantUnmute |
A group call participant was unmuted |
channelAdminLogEventActionToggleGroupCallSetting |
Group call settings were changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByInvite |
A user joined the supergroup/channel using a specific invite link |
channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteDelete |
A chat invite was deleted |
channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteRevoke |
A specific invite link was revoked |
channelAdminLogEventActionExportedInviteEdit |
A chat invite was edited |
channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantVolume |
channelAdminLogEvent.user_id has set the volume of participant.peer to participant.volume |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeHistoryTTL |
The Time-To-Live of messages in this chat was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoinByRequest |
A new member was accepted to the chat by an admin |
channelAdminLogEventActionToggleNoForwards |
Forwards were enabled or disabled |
channelAdminLogEventActionSendMessage |
A message was posted in a channel |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAvailableReactions |
The set of allowed message reactions » for this channel has changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsernames |
The list of usernames associated with the channel was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionToggleForum |
Forum functionality was enabled or disabled. |
channelAdminLogEventActionCreateTopic |
A forum topic was created |
channelAdminLogEventActionEditTopic |
A forum topic was edited |
channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteTopic |
A forum topic was deleted |
channelAdminLogEventActionPinTopic |
A forum topic was pinned or unpinned |
channelAdminLogEventActionToggleAntiSpam |
Native antispam functionality was enabled or disabled. |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangePeerColor |
The message accent color was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeProfilePeerColor |
The profile accent color was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeWallpaper |
The wallpaper was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeEmojiStatus |
The emoji status was changed |
channelAdminLogEventActionChangeEmojiStickerSet |
The supergroup's custom emoji stickerset was changed. |