
Object defines a group.

chatEmpty#9ba2d800 id:int = Chat;
chat#3bda1bde flags:# creator:flags.0?true kicked:flags.1?true left:flags.2?true deactivated:flags.5?true call_active:flags.23?true call_not_empty:flags.24?true id:int title:string photo:ChatPhoto participants_count:int date:int version:int migrated_to:flags.6?InputChannel admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights = Chat;
chatForbidden#7328bdb id:int title:string = Chat;
channel#d31a961e flags:# creator:flags.0?true left:flags.2?true broadcast:flags.5?true verified:flags.7?true megagroup:flags.8?true restricted:flags.9?true signatures:flags.11?true min:flags.12?true scam:flags.19?true has_link:flags.20?true has_geo:flags.21?true slowmode_enabled:flags.22?true call_active:flags.23?true call_not_empty:flags.24?true id:int access_hash:flags.13?long title:string username:flags.6?string photo:ChatPhoto date:int version:int restriction_reason:flags.9?Vector<RestrictionReason> admin_rights:flags.14?ChatAdminRights banned_rights:flags.15?ChatBannedRights default_banned_rights:flags.18?ChatBannedRights participants_count:flags.17?int = Chat;
channelForbidden#289da732 flags:# broadcast:flags.5?true megagroup:flags.8?true id:int access_hash:long title:string until_date:flags.16?int = Chat;


Constructor Description
chatEmpty Empty constructor, group doesn't exist
chat Info about a group.

When updating the local peer database, all fields from the newly received constructor take priority over the old constructor cached locally (including by removing fields that aren't set in the new constructor).

See here » for an implementation of the logic to use when updating the local user peer database.
chatForbidden A group to which the user has no access. E.g., because the user was kicked from the group.
channel Channel/supergroup info

When updating the local peer database, all fields from the newly received constructor take priority over the old constructor cached locally (including by removing fields that aren't set in the new constructor).

The only exception to the above rule is when the min flag is set, in which case only the following fields must be applied over any locally stored version:

- title
- megagroup
- color
- photo
- username
- usernames
- has_geo
- noforwards
- emoji_status
- has_link
- slow_mode_enabled
- scam
- fake
- gigagroup
- forum
- level
- restricted
- restriction_reason
- join_to_send
- join_request
- is_verified
- default_banned_rights

See here » for an implementation of the logic to use when updating the local user peer database.
channelForbidden Indicates a channel/supergroup we can't access because we were banned, or for some other reason.
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