
Represents a Telegram Story

storyItemDeleted#51e6ee4f id:int = StoryItem;
storyItemSkipped#ffadc913 flags:# close_friends:flags.8?true id:int date:int expire_date:int = StoryItem;
storyItem#562aa637 flags:# pinned:flags.5?true public:flags.7?true close_friends:flags.8?true min:flags.9?true noforwards:flags.10?true edited:flags.11?true contacts:flags.12?true selected_contacts:flags.13?true id:int date:int expire_date:int caption:flags.0?string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> media:MessageMedia privacy:flags.2?Vector<PrivacyRule> views:flags.3?StoryViews = StoryItem;


Constructor Description
storyItemDeleted Represents a previously active story, that was deleted
storyItemSkipped Represents an active story, whose full information was omitted for space and performance reasons; use stories.getStoriesByID to fetch full info about the skipped story when and if needed.
storyItem Represents a story.

Related pages


Telegram users and channels can easily post and view stories through the API.