
Edit an uploaded story

updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates;
updateShortMessage#313bc7f8 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:long message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?long reply_to:flags.3?MessageReplyHeader entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> ttl_period:flags.25?int = Updates;
updateShortChatMessage#4d6deea5 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:long chat_id:long message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?long reply_to:flags.3?MessageReplyHeader entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> ttl_period:flags.25?int = Updates;
updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates;
updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates;
updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq:int = Updates;
updateShortSentMessage#9015e101 flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> ttl_period:flags.25?int = Updates;
stories.editStory#2aae7a41 flags:# id:int media:flags.0?InputMedia caption:flags.1?string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> privacy_rules:flags.2?Vector<InputPrivacyRule> = Updates;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
peer InputPeer Peer where the story was posted.
id int ID of story to edit.
media flags.0?InputMedia If specified, replaces the story media.
media_areas flags.3?Vector<MediaArea> Media areas associated to the story, see here » for more info.
caption flags.1?string If specified, replaces the story caption.
entities flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> Message entities for styled text in the caption, if allowed by the stories_entities client configuration parameter ».
privacy_rules flags.2?Vector<InputPrivacyRule> If specified, alters the privacy settings » of the story, changing who can or can't view the story.



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 PEER_ID_INVALID The provided peer id is invalid.
400 STORY_NOT_MODIFIED The new story information you passed is equal to the previous story information, thus it wasn't modified.

Related pages


Telegram users and channels can easily post and view stories through the API.

Styled text with message entities

How to create styled text with message entities

Client configuration

The MTProto API has multiple configuration parameters that can be fetched with the appropriate methods.


Telegram allows users to specify granular privacy settings, choosing which users can or can't interact with them in certain ways.