
Boolean type.

boolFalse#bc799737 = Bool;
boolTrue#997275b5 = Bool;


auth.resetAuthorizations#9fab0d1a = Bool;
auth.bindTempAuthKey#cdd42a05 perm_auth_key_id:long nonce:long expires_at:int encrypted_message:bytes = Bool;
auth.cancelCode#1f040578 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string = Bool;
auth.dropTempAuthKeys#8e48a188 except_auth_keys:Vector<long> = Bool;
auth.checkRecoveryPassword#d36bf79 code:string = Bool;
auth.requestFirebaseSms#89464b50 flags:# phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string safety_net_token:flags.0?string ios_push_secret:flags.1?string = Bool;

account.registerDevice#ec86017a flags:# no_muted:flags.0?true token_type:int token:string app_sandbox:Bool secret:bytes other_uids:Vector<long> = Bool;
account.unregisterDevice#6a0d3206 token_type:int token:string other_uids:Vector<long> = Bool;
account.updateNotifySettings#84be5b93 peer:InputNotifyPeer settings:InputPeerNotifySettings = Bool;
account.resetNotifySettings#db7e1747 = Bool;
account.updateStatus#6628562c offline:Bool = Bool;
account.reportPeer#c5ba3d86 peer:InputPeer reason:ReportReason message:string = Bool;
account.checkUsername#2714d86c username:string = Bool;
account.deleteAccount#a2c0cf74 flags:# reason:string password:flags.0?InputCheckPasswordSRP = Bool;
account.setAccountTTL#2442485e ttl:AccountDaysTTL = Bool;
account.updateDeviceLocked#38df3532 period:int = Bool;
account.resetAuthorization#df77f3bc hash:long = Bool;
account.updatePasswordSettings#a59b102f password:InputCheckPasswordSRP new_settings:account.PasswordInputSettings = Bool;
account.confirmPhone#5f2178c3 phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool;
account.resetWebAuthorization#2d01b9ef hash:long = Bool;
account.resetWebAuthorizations#682d2594 = Bool;
account.deleteSecureValue#b880bc4b types:Vector<SecureValueType> = Bool;
account.acceptAuthorization#f3ed4c73 bot_id:long scope:string public_key:string value_hashes:Vector<SecureValueHash> credentials:SecureCredentialsEncrypted = Bool;
account.verifyPhone#4dd3a7f6 phone_number:string phone_code_hash:string phone_code:string = Bool;
account.finishTakeoutSession#1d2652ee flags:# success:flags.0?true = Bool;
account.confirmPasswordEmail#8fdf1920 code:string = Bool;
account.resendPasswordEmail#7a7f2a15 = Bool;
account.cancelPasswordEmail#c1cbd5b6 = Bool;
account.getContactSignUpNotification#9f07c728 = Bool;
account.setContactSignUpNotification#cff43f61 silent:Bool = Bool;
account.saveWallPaper#6c5a5b37 wallpaper:InputWallPaper unsave:Bool settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool;
account.installWallPaper#feed5769 wallpaper:InputWallPaper settings:WallPaperSettings = Bool;
account.resetWallPapers#bb3b9804 = Bool;
account.saveAutoDownloadSettings#76f36233 flags:# low:flags.0?true high:flags.1?true settings:AutoDownloadSettings = Bool;
account.saveTheme#f257106c theme:InputTheme unsave:Bool = Bool;
account.installTheme#c727bb3b flags:# dark:flags.0?true theme:flags.1?InputTheme format:flags.2?string base_theme:flags.3?BaseTheme = Bool;
account.setContentSettings#b574b16b flags:# sensitive_enabled:flags.0?true = Bool;
account.reportProfilePhoto#fa8cc6f5 peer:InputPeer photo_id:InputPhoto reason:ReportReason message:string = Bool;
account.declinePasswordReset#4c9409f6 = Bool;
account.setAuthorizationTTL#bf899aa0 authorization_ttl_days:int = Bool;
account.changeAuthorizationSettings#40f48462 flags:# confirmed:flags.3?true hash:long encrypted_requests_disabled:flags.0?Bool call_requests_disabled:flags.1?Bool = Bool;
account.updateEmojiStatus#fbd3de6b emoji_status:EmojiStatus = Bool;
account.clearRecentEmojiStatuses#18201aae = Bool;
account.reorderUsernames#ef500eab order:Vector<string> = Bool;
account.toggleUsername#58d6b376 username:string active:Bool = Bool;
account.saveAutoSaveSettings#d69b8361 flags:# users:flags.0?true chats:flags.1?true broadcasts:flags.2?true peer:flags.3?InputPeer settings:AutoSaveSettings = Bool;
account.deleteAutoSaveExceptions#53bc0020 = Bool;
account.invalidateSignInCodes#ca8ae8ba codes:Vector<string> = Bool;
account.updateColor#7cefa15d flags:# for_profile:flags.1?true color:flags.2?int background_emoji_id:flags.0?long = Bool;

contacts.deleteByPhones#1013fd9e phones:Vector<string> = Bool;
contacts.block#2e2e8734 flags:# my_stories_from:flags.0?true id:InputPeer = Bool;
contacts.unblock#b550d328 flags:# my_stories_from:flags.0?true id:InputPeer = Bool;
contacts.resetTopPeerRating#1ae373ac category:TopPeerCategory peer:InputPeer = Bool;
contacts.resetSaved#879537f1 = Bool;
contacts.toggleTopPeers#8514bdda enabled:Bool = Bool;
contacts.editCloseFriends#ba6705f0 id:Vector<long> = Bool;
contacts.setBlocked#94c65c76 flags:# my_stories_from:flags.0?true id:Vector<InputPeer> limit:int = Bool;

messages.setTyping#58943ee2 flags:# peer:InputPeer top_msg_id:flags.0?int action:SendMessageAction = Bool;
messages.reportSpam#cf1592db peer:InputPeer = Bool; peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> reason:ReportReason message:string = Bool;
messages.discardEncryption#f393aea0 flags:# delete_history:flags.0?true chat_id:int = Bool;
messages.setEncryptedTyping#791451ed peer:InputEncryptedChat typing:Bool = Bool;
messages.readEncryptedHistory#7f4b690a peer:InputEncryptedChat max_date:int = Bool;
messages.reportEncryptedSpam#4b0c8c0f peer:InputEncryptedChat = Bool;
messages.uninstallStickerSet#f96e55de stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool;
messages.editChatAdmin#a85bd1c2 chat_id:long user_id:InputUser is_admin:Bool = Bool;
messages.reorderStickerSets#78337739 flags:# masks:flags.0?true emojis:flags.1?true order:Vector<long> = Bool;
messages.saveGif#327a30cb id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool;
messages.setInlineBotResults#bb12a419 flags:# gallery:flags.0?true private:flags.1?true query_id:long results:Vector<InputBotInlineResult> cache_time:int next_offset:flags.2?string switch_pm:flags.3?InlineBotSwitchPM switch_webview:flags.4?InlineBotWebView = Bool;
messages.editInlineBotMessage#83557dba flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true invert_media:flags.16?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID message:flags.11?string media:flags.14?InputMedia reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> = Bool;
messages.setBotCallbackAnswer#d58f130a flags:# alert:flags.1?true query_id:long message:flags.0?string url:flags.2?string cache_time:int = Bool;
messages.saveDraft#7ff3b806 flags:# no_webpage:flags.1?true invert_media:flags.6?true reply_to:flags.4?InputReplyTo peer:InputPeer message:string entities:flags.3?Vector<MessageEntity> media:flags.5?InputMedia = Bool;
messages.readFeaturedStickers#5b118126 id:Vector<long> = Bool;
messages.saveRecentSticker#392718f8 flags:# attached:flags.0?true id:InputDocument unsave:Bool = Bool;
messages.clearRecentStickers#8999602d flags:# attached:flags.0?true = Bool;
messages.setInlineGameScore#15ad9f64 flags:# edit_message:flags.0?true force:flags.1?true id:InputBotInlineMessageID user_id:InputUser score:int = Bool;
messages.toggleDialogPin#a731e257 flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool;
messages.reorderPinnedDialogs#3b1adf37 flags:# force:flags.0?true folder_id:int order:Vector<InputDialogPeer> = Bool;
messages.setBotShippingResults#e5f672fa flags:# query_id:long error:flags.0?string shipping_options:flags.1?Vector<ShippingOption> = Bool;
messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults#9c2dd95 flags:# success:flags.1?true query_id:long error:flags.0?string = Bool;
messages.faveSticker#b9ffc55b id:InputDocument unfave:Bool = Bool;
messages.markDialogUnread#c286d98f flags:# unread:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool;
messages.clearAllDrafts#7e58ee9c = Bool;
messages.editChatAbout#def60797 peer:InputPeer about:string = Bool;
messages.hidePeerSettingsBar#4facb138 peer:InputPeer = Bool;
messages.toggleStickerSets#b5052fea flags:# uninstall:flags.0?true archive:flags.1?true unarchive:flags.2?true stickersets:Vector<InputStickerSet> = Bool;
messages.updateDialogFilter#1ad4a04a flags:# id:int filter:flags.0?DialogFilter = Bool;
messages.updateDialogFiltersOrder#c563c1e4 order:Vector<int> = Bool;
messages.readDiscussion#f731a9f4 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int read_max_id:int = Bool;
messages.deleteChat#5bd0ee50 chat_id:long = Bool;
messages.startHistoryImport#b43df344 peer:InputPeer import_id:long = Bool;
messages.deleteRevokedExportedChatInvites#56987bd5 peer:InputPeer admin_id:InputUser = Bool;
messages.deleteExportedChatInvite#d464a42b peer:InputPeer link:string = Bool;
messages.saveDefaultSendAs#ccfddf96 peer:InputPeer send_as:InputPeer = Bool;
messages.setDefaultReaction#4f47a016 reaction:Reaction = Bool;
messages.toggleBotInAttachMenu#69f59d69 flags:# write_allowed:flags.0?true bot:InputUser enabled:Bool = Bool;
messages.prolongWebView#b0d81a83 flags:# silent:flags.5?true peer:InputPeer bot:InputUser query_id:long reply_to:flags.0?InputReplyTo send_as:flags.13?InputPeer = Bool;
messages.rateTranscribedAudio#7f1d072f peer:InputPeer msg_id:int transcription_id:long good:Bool = Bool;
messages.reportReaction#3f64c076 peer:InputPeer id:int reaction_peer:InputPeer = Bool;
messages.clearRecentReactions#9dfeefb4 = Bool;
messages.setDefaultHistoryTTL#9eb51445 period:int = Bool;
messages.togglePeerTranslations#e47cb579 flags:# disabled:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer = Bool;
messages.toggleSavedDialogPin#ac81bbde flags:# pinned:flags.0?true peer:InputDialogPeer = Bool;
messages.reorderPinnedSavedDialogs#8b716587 flags:# force:flags.0?true order:Vector<InputDialogPeer> = Bool;

upload.saveFilePart#b304a621 file_id:long file_part:int bytes:bytes = Bool;
upload.saveBigFilePart#de7b673d file_id:long file_part:int file_total_parts:int bytes:bytes = Bool;

channels.readHistory#cc104937 channel:InputChannel max_id:int = Bool;
channels.reportSpam#f44a8315 channel:InputChannel participant:InputPeer id:Vector<int> = Bool;
channels.checkUsername#10e6bd2c channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool;
channels.updateUsername#3514b3de channel:InputChannel username:string = Bool;
channels.setStickers#ea8ca4f9 channel:InputChannel stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool;
channels.readMessageContents#eab5dc38 channel:InputChannel id:Vector<int> = Bool;
channels.setDiscussionGroup#40582bb2 broadcast:InputChannel group:InputChannel = Bool;
channels.editLocation#58e63f6d channel:InputChannel geo_point:InputGeoPoint address:string = Bool;
channels.viewSponsoredMessage#beaedb94 channel:InputChannel random_id:bytes = Bool;
channels.reorderUsernames#b45ced1d channel:InputChannel order:Vector<string> = Bool;
channels.toggleUsername#50f24105 channel:InputChannel username:string active:Bool = Bool;
channels.deactivateAllUsernames#a245dd3 channel:InputChannel = Bool;
channels.reportAntiSpamFalsePositive#a850a693 channel:InputChannel msg_id:int = Bool;
channels.clickSponsoredMessage#18afbc93 channel:InputChannel random_id:bytes = Bool;

help.setBotUpdatesStatus#ec22cfcd pending_updates_count:int message:string = Bool;
help.acceptTermsOfService#ee72f79a id:DataJSON = Bool;
help.saveAppLog#6f02f748 events:Vector<InputAppEvent> = Bool;
help.hidePromoData#1e251c95 peer:InputPeer = Bool;
help.dismissSuggestion#f50dbaa1 peer:InputPeer suggestion:string = Bool;

bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery#e6213f4d query_id:long data:DataJSON = Bool;
bots.setBotCommands#517165a scope:BotCommandScope lang_code:string commands:Vector<BotCommand> = Bool;
bots.resetBotCommands#3d8de0f9 scope:BotCommandScope lang_code:string = Bool;
bots.setBotMenuButton#4504d54f user_id:InputUser button:BotMenuButton = Bool;
bots.setBotBroadcastDefaultAdminRights#788464e1 admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = Bool;
bots.setBotGroupDefaultAdminRights#925ec9ea admin_rights:ChatAdminRights = Bool;
bots.setBotInfo#10cf3123 flags:# bot:flags.2?InputUser lang_code:string name:flags.3?string about:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string = Bool;
bots.reorderUsernames#9709b1c2 bot:InputUser order:Vector<string> = Bool;
bots.toggleUsername#53ca973 bot:InputUser username:string active:Bool = Bool;
bots.canSendMessage#1359f4e6 bot:InputUser = Bool;

payments.clearSavedInfo#d83d70c1 flags:# credentials:flags.0?true info:flags.1?true = Bool;
payments.canPurchasePremium#9fc19eb6 purpose:InputStorePaymentPurpose = Bool;

phone.receivedCall#17d54f61 peer:InputPhoneCall = Bool;
phone.saveCallDebug#277add7e peer:InputPhoneCall debug:DataJSON = Bool;
phone.sendSignalingData#ff7a9383 peer:InputPhoneCall data:bytes = Bool;
phone.saveDefaultGroupCallJoinAs#575e1f8c peer:InputPeer join_as:InputPeer = Bool;
phone.saveCallLog#41248786 peer:InputPhoneCall file:InputFile = Bool;

users.setSecureValueErrors#90c894b5 id:InputUser errors:Vector<SecureValueError> = Bool;

stickers.checkShortName#284b3639 short_name:string = Bool;
stickers.deleteStickerSet#87704394 stickerset:InputStickerSet = Bool;

chatlists.deleteExportedInvite#719c5c5e chatlist:InputChatlist slug:string = Bool;
chatlists.hideChatlistUpdates#66e486fb chatlist:InputChatlist = Bool;

stories.canSendStory#c7dfdfdd peer:InputPeer = Bool;
stories.toggleAllStoriesHidden#7c2557c4 hidden:Bool = Bool;
stories.incrementStoryViews#b2028afb peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> = Bool; peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> reason:ReportReason message:string = Bool;
stories.togglePeerStoriesHidden#bd0415c4 peer:InputPeer hidden:Bool = Bool;


Constructor Description
boolFalse Constructor may be interpreted as a booleanfalse value.
boolTrue The constructor can be interpreted as a booleantrue value.


Method Description
auth.resetAuthorizations Terminates all user's authorized sessions except for the current one.

After calling this method it is necessary to reregister the current device using the method account.registerDevice
auth.bindTempAuthKey Binds a temporary authorization key temp_auth_key_id to the permanent authorization key perm_auth_key_id. Each permanent key may only be bound to one temporary key at a time, binding a new temporary key overwrites the previous one.

For more information, see Perfect Forward Secrecy.
account.registerDevice Register device to receive PUSH notifications
account.unregisterDevice Deletes a device by its token, stops sending PUSH-notifications to it.
account.updateNotifySettings Edits notification settings from a given user/group, from all users/all groups.
account.resetNotifySettings Resets all notification settings from users and groups.
account.updateStatus Updates online user status.
account.reportPeer Report a peer for violation of telegram's Terms of Service
contacts.deleteByPhones Delete contacts by phone number
contacts.block Adds a peer to a blocklist, see here » for more info.
contacts.unblock Deletes a peer from a blocklist, see here » for more info.
messages.setTyping Sends a current user typing event (see SendMessageAction for all event types) to a conversation partner or group.
messages.reportSpam Report a new incoming chat for spam, if the peer settings of the chat allow us to do that Report a message in a chat for violation of telegram's Terms of Service
upload.saveFilePart Saves a part of file for further sending to one of the methods.
messages.discardEncryption Cancels a request for creation and/or delete info on secret chat.
messages.setEncryptedTyping Send typing event by the current user to a secret chat.
messages.readEncryptedHistory Marks message history within a secret chat as read.
messages.reportEncryptedSpam Report a secret chat for spam
upload.saveBigFilePart Saves a part of a large file (over 10 MB in size) to be later passed to one of the methods.
account.checkUsername Validates a username and checks availability.
account.deleteAccount Delete the user's account from the telegram servers.

Can also be used to delete the account of a user that provided the login code, but forgot the 2FA password and no recovery method is configured, see here » for more info on password recovery, and here » for more info on account deletion.
account.setAccountTTL Set account self-destruction period
account.updateDeviceLocked When client-side passcode lock feature is enabled, will not show message texts in incoming PUSH notifications.
account.resetAuthorization Log out an active authorized session by its hash
account.updatePasswordSettings Set a new 2FA password
messages.uninstallStickerSet Uninstall a stickerset
channels.readHistory Mark channel/supergroup history as read
channels.reportSpam Reports some messages from a user in a supergroup as spam; requires administrator rights in the supergroup
channels.checkUsername Check if a username is free and can be assigned to a channel/supergroup
channels.updateUsername Change or remove the username of a supergroup/channel
messages.editChatAdmin Make a user admin in a basic group.
messages.reorderStickerSets Reorder installed stickersets
messages.saveGif Add GIF to saved gifs list
messages.setInlineBotResults Answer an inline query, for bots only
auth.cancelCode Cancel the login verification code
messages.editInlineBotMessage Edit an inline bot message
messages.setBotCallbackAnswer Set the callback answer to a user button press (bots only)
contacts.resetTopPeerRating Reset rating of top peer
messages.saveDraft Save a message draft associated to a chat.
messages.readFeaturedStickers Mark new featured stickers as read
messages.saveRecentSticker Add/remove sticker from recent stickers list
messages.clearRecentStickers Clear recent stickers
account.confirmPhone Confirm a phone number to cancel account deletion, for more info click here »
auth.dropTempAuthKeys Delete all temporary authorization keys except for the ones specified
messages.setInlineGameScore Use this method to set the score of the specified user in a game sent as an inline message (bots only).
help.setBotUpdatesStatus Informs the server about the number of pending bot updates if they haven't been processed for a long time; for bots only
messages.toggleDialogPin Pin/unpin a dialog
messages.reorderPinnedDialogs Reorder pinned dialogs
bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery Answers a custom query; for bots only
payments.clearSavedInfo Clear saved payment information
messages.setBotShippingResults If you sent an invoice requesting a shipping address and the parameter is_flexible was specified, the bot will receive an updateBotShippingQuery update. Use this method to reply to shipping queries.
messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults Once the user has confirmed their payment and shipping details, the bot receives an updateBotPrecheckoutQuery update.
Use this method to respond to such pre-checkout queries.
Note: Telegram must receive an answer within 10 seconds after the pre-checkout query was sent.
phone.receivedCall Optional: notify the server that the user is currently busy in a call: this will automatically refuse all incoming phone calls until the current phone call is ended.
phone.saveCallDebug Send phone call debug data to server
channels.setStickers Associate a stickerset to the supergroup
messages.faveSticker Mark or unmark a sticker as favorite
channels.readMessageContents Mark channel/supergroup message contents as read
contacts.resetSaved Removes all contacts without an associated Telegram account.
account.resetWebAuthorization Log out an active web telegram login session
account.resetWebAuthorizations Reset all active web telegram login sessions
help.acceptTermsOfService Accept the new terms of service
account.deleteSecureValue Delete stored Telegram Passport documents, for more info see the passport docs »
users.setSecureValueErrors Notify the user that the sent passport data contains some errors The user will not be able to re-submit their Passport data to you until the errors are fixed (the contents of the field for which you returned the error must change).

Use this if the data submitted by the user doesn't satisfy the standards your service requires for any reason. For example, if a birthday date seems invalid, a submitted document is blurry, a scan shows evidence of tampering, etc. Supply some details in the error message to make sure the user knows how to correct the issues.
account.acceptAuthorization Sends a Telegram Passport authorization form, effectively sharing data with the service
account.verifyPhone Verify a phone number for telegram passport.
account.finishTakeoutSession Terminate a takeout session, see here » for more info.
messages.markDialogUnread Manually mark dialog as unread
contacts.toggleTopPeers Enable/disable top peers
messages.clearAllDrafts Clear all drafts.
help.saveAppLog Saves logs of application on the server.
account.confirmPasswordEmail Verify an email to use as 2FA recovery method.
account.resendPasswordEmail Resend the code to verify an email to use as 2FA recovery method.
account.cancelPasswordEmail Cancel the code that was sent to verify an email to use as 2FA recovery method.
account.getContactSignUpNotification Whether the user will receive notifications when contacts sign up
account.setContactSignUpNotification Toggle contact sign up notifications
messages.editChatAbout Edit the description of a group/supergroup/channel.
account.saveWallPaper Install/uninstall wallpaper
account.installWallPaper Install wallpaper
account.resetWallPapers Delete all installed wallpapers, reverting to the default wallpaper set.
account.saveAutoDownloadSettings Change media autodownload settings
channels.setDiscussionGroup Associate a group to a channel as discussion group for that channel
messages.hidePeerSettingsBar Should be called after the user hides the report spam/add as contact bar of a new chat, effectively prevents the user from executing the actions specified in the action bar ».
channels.editLocation Edit location of geogroup, see here » for more info on geogroups.
account.saveTheme Save a theme
account.installTheme Install a theme
account.setContentSettings Set sensitive content settings (for viewing or hiding NSFW content)
messages.toggleStickerSets Apply changes to multiple stickersets
messages.updateDialogFilter Update folder
messages.updateDialogFiltersOrder Reorder folders
bots.setBotCommands Set bot command list
help.hidePromoData Hide MTProxy/Public Service Announcement information
phone.sendSignalingData Send VoIP signaling data
help.dismissSuggestion Dismiss a suggestion, see here for more info ».
messages.readDiscussion Mark a thread as read
messages.deleteChat Delete a chat
messages.startHistoryImport Complete the history import process, importing all messages into the chat.
To be called only after initializing the import with messages.initHistoryImport and uploading all files using messages.uploadImportedMedia.
messages.deleteRevokedExportedChatInvites Delete all revoked chat invites
messages.deleteExportedChatInvite Delete a chat invite
account.reportProfilePhoto Report a profile photo of a dialog
phone.saveDefaultGroupCallJoinAs Set the default peer that will be used to join a group call in a specific dialog.
stickers.checkShortName Check whether the given short name is available
bots.resetBotCommands Clear bot commands for the specified bot scope and language code
account.declinePasswordReset Abort a pending 2FA password reset, see here for more info »
auth.checkRecoveryPassword Check if the 2FA recovery code sent using auth.requestPasswordRecovery is valid, before passing it to auth.recoverPassword.
channels.viewSponsoredMessage Mark a specific sponsored message as read
messages.saveDefaultSendAs Change the default peer that should be used when sending messages, reactions, poll votes to a specific group
account.setAuthorizationTTL Set time-to-live of current session
account.changeAuthorizationSettings Change settings related to a session.
messages.setDefaultReaction Change default emoji reaction to use in the quick reaction menu: the value is synced across devices and can be fetched using help.getConfig, reactions_default field.
messages.toggleBotInAttachMenu Enable or disable web bot attachment menu »
messages.prolongWebView Indicate to the server (from the user side) that the user is still using a web app.

If the method returns a QUERY_ID_INVALID error, the webview must be closed.
bots.setBotMenuButton Sets the menu button action » for a given user or for all users
bots.setBotBroadcastDefaultAdminRights Set the default suggested admin rights for bots being added as admins to channels, see here for more info on how to handle them ».
bots.setBotGroupDefaultAdminRights Set the default suggested admin rights for bots being added as admins to groups, see here for more info on how to handle them ».
phone.saveCallLog Save phone call debug information
messages.rateTranscribedAudio Rate transcribed voice message
payments.canPurchasePremium Checks whether Telegram Premium purchase is possible. Must be called before in-store Premium purchase, official apps only.
account.updateEmojiStatus Set an emoji status
account.clearRecentEmojiStatuses Clears list of recently used emoji statuses
messages.reportReaction Report a message reaction
messages.clearRecentReactions Clear recently used message reactions
account.reorderUsernames Reorder usernames associated with the currently logged-in user.
account.toggleUsername Activate or deactivate a purchased username associated to the currently logged-in user.
channels.reorderUsernames Reorder active usernames
channels.toggleUsername Activate or deactivate a purchased username associated to a supergroup or channel we own.
channels.deactivateAllUsernames Disable all purchased usernames of a supergroup or channel
channels.reportAntiSpamFalsePositive Report a native antispam false positive
messages.setDefaultHistoryTTL Changes the default value of the Time-To-Live setting, applied to all new chats.
auth.requestFirebaseSms Request an SMS code via Firebase.
messages.togglePeerTranslations Show or hide the real-time chat translation popup for a certain chat
account.saveAutoSaveSettings Modify autosave settings
account.deleteAutoSaveExceptions Clear all peer-specific autosave settings.
stickers.deleteStickerSet Deletes a stickerset we created, bots only.
bots.setBotInfo Set localized name, about text and description of a bot (or of the current account, if called by a bot).
chatlists.deleteExportedInvite Delete a previously created chat folder deep link ».
chatlists.hideChatlistUpdates Dismiss new pending peers recently added to a chat folder deep link ».
bots.reorderUsernames Reorder usernames associated to a bot we own.
bots.toggleUsername Activate or deactivate a purchased username associated to a bot we own.
account.invalidateSignInCodes Invalidate the specified login codes, see here » for more info.
channels.clickSponsoredMessage Informs the server that the user has either:

- Clicked on a link in the sponsored message
- Has opened a sponsored chat or a sponsored website via the associated button
- Has opened the sponsored chat via the sponsored message name, the sponsored message photo, or a mention in the sponsored message
contacts.editCloseFriends Edit the close friends list, see here » for more info.
stories.canSendStory Check whether we can post stories as the specified peer.
stories.toggleAllStoriesHidden Hide the active stories of a specific peer, preventing them from being displayed on the action bar on the homescreen.
stories.incrementStoryViews Increment the view counter of one or more stories. Report a story.
contacts.setBlocked Replace the contents of an entire blocklist, see here for more info ».
bots.canSendMessage Check whether the specified bot can send us messages
stories.togglePeerStoriesHidden Hide the active stories of a user, preventing them from being displayed on the action bar on the homescreen, see here » for more info.
account.updateColor Update the accent color and background custom emoji » of the current account.
messages.toggleSavedDialogPin Pin or unpin a saved message dialog ».
messages.reorderPinnedSavedDialogs Reorder pinned saved message dialogs ».